
Shifting Attitudes on Open Banking through a Complex Paid Media Campaign

(Paid Media Strategy)

I led the paid media campaign for Nesta’s open banking challenge (Open Up 2020), which aimed to shift public perceptions to open banking and drive adoption. It involved running complex conversion activity, data analysis and media modeling for 10+ organisations, including Moneybox, Portify and Plum. The campaign was a huge success, with post-campaign evaluation finding those who were exposed were 3x more aware of open banking, 2.6x more likely to trust it, and 2x more likely to adopt it.

screen grab from the nesta open up challenge report

A complex campaign that involved centralising unique conversion tracking for 10+ brands under a single ad account, the results were astounding - securing 23K leads at a rate almost double the financial industry standard. More than 80M impressions were served with 12% of people in the UK recalling seeing the campaign. The full summary of the challenge results can be viewed on the Open Up challenge website.


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